What is a Dental Technician and What do they do?

Even though those who have had dental problems in the past may understand the role of a dental technician, most of the first time dental patients may ask “what is a dental technician?” This article will break down the definition and the role of the dental technician and put them into the right perspective for easy understanding and also for more information about professionals that offers unique services read about … More...

tooth extraction and bone graft recovery

Tooth Extraction and Bone Graft Recovery

The most feared procedure in dentistry is tooth removal. Tooth removal is the process of tooth removal from its socket in the bone. Tooth Extraction and Bone Graft Recovery worst pain that one can experience and the recovery after surgery will take too long. If the tooth becomes damaged severely then the solution is tooth extraction. Tooth extraction can be done due to the reason that the tooth is broken … More...

tooth broken below gum line

Treatment of a Tooth Broken Below Gum Line

Teeth fractures as a result of injury, teeth grinding or as a result of having a dental filling is a common phenomenon. When a tooth fracture occurs below the gum line, it can result in uncomfortable pain and increases tooth sensitivity that will require dental care.Treating a tooth broken below gum line involves extracting the damaged tooth and replacing it with artificial teeth usually crowns by the help of dental … More...